Chords and terms

These are initial candidates handpicked from the algorithm producing close, distant, and unrelated variants. These can be changed easily.

Chord Suggested Close Distant Unrelated
maj_root existence, fortitude, reverent, triumphant,
contentment, attentive, satisfied, festive,
vigor perky attractive thankful
maj_minor2nd uneasy, discontent, reckless, tension,
discomfort, discomfort, sinister, unfriendly,
aggravation uncomfortable depressed hateful
maj_major2nd hope, positive, admired, inquisitive,
reassurance, benevolent, content, spiritual,
warmth, optimistic, dreamy, edgy,
aspiration thankful wondrous amorous
maj_minor3rd defiance, secretive, foreboding, defeat,
rebellion, concerned, monumental, dramatic,
dissent, childish, doubtful, impatient,
fortitude attentive mighty spontaneous
maj_major3rd positive, hope, bouncy, serious,
optimism, brave, lush, desire,
brightness wholesome sacred tender
maj_perf4th expectation, fortitude, precious, sleepy,
elevation, earnest, edgy, heroic,
prolonged passive poignant proud
maj_augm4th enchantment, elated, energetic, lyrical,
adventure, thrilling, shimmering, infatuated,
magic vibrant euphoric ironic
maj_perf5th stability, resolute, benevolent, faithful,
nobility, bravado, contentment, manic,
confidence, wholesome, earnest, relaxed,
prominent reverent reassurance sleepy
maj_min6th eerie, tragic, defeated, doubtful,
strange, prolonged, hypnotic, dread,
uncanny religious poignant astonished
maj_maj6th comfort, tranquil, content, majestic,
calm, soothing, graceful, nocturnal,
peace thankful thoughtful excited
maj_min7th anticipation, emotional, indulgent, cynical,
prospect, yearn, innocent, bold,
pause, reserved, forgiving, elegant,
dissent concerned solitude mellow
maj_maj7th yearn, reassurance, poignant, outgoing,
romance, intimate, flirty, bold,
desire, passionate, playful, crazy,
nostalgia wondrous satisfied silly
min_root solitude, x, x, x,
loneliness, x, x, x,
severity x x x
min_minor2nd gloom, x, x, x,
ruin, x, x, x,
doom x x x
min_major2nd yearn, x, x, x,
regret, x, x, x,
lament x x x
min_minor3rd sadness, x, x, x,
melancholy, x, x, x,
darkness x x x
min_major3rd tension, x, x, x,
distress, x, x, x,
agitation, x, x, x,
disturbance x x x
min_perf4th indifference, x, x, x,
elevation, x, x, x,
regretful x x x
min_augm4th dread, x, x, x,
evil, x, x, x,
sinister, x, x, x,
wickedness, x, x, x,
apprehension x x x
min_perf5th solemn, x, x, x,
seriousness, x, x, x,
dignity x x x
min_min6th ominous, x, x, x,
apparition, x, x, x,
foreboding x x x
min_maj6th enchantment, x, x, x,
charm, x, x, x,
mystique, x, x, x,
allure, x, x, x,
seduction x x x
min_min7th brooding, x, x, x,
contemplate, x, x, x,
respite x x x
min_maj7th despair, x, x, x,
defeat, x, x, x,
resignation, x, x, x,
tragedy, x, x, x,
hopeless, x, x, x,
depression x x x
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